Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Individuality through conformity!

All I was trying to do was post a comment on someone else's blog and here I am with my very own. I have a very boring life and probably won't update this, but it's kind of fun having somewhere to post my thoughts. Of course, right now my mind is blank. Typical. Right now, my favorite things, in no particular order, are:

* Veronica Mars
* vacation days
* being out of school for the holiday break
* my new Happy Bunny mini sign book (Thanks Leslie!) Current sign: Not listening
* breakfast egg and cheese sandwiches
* The Colbert Report

My current pet peeves are:

* office coffee
* the fact that I'm not home sleeping
* super-cold weather (I'm tired of winter already - bad sign, considering it's December)
* Bill O'Reilly and his stupid-ass "War on Christmas"

Hope your holiday season is going well.


Janine said...

Hey! I'm drinking my cheap office coffee right now! It happens to be from Wellsboro, and it's pretty darn good. I also don't mind office donuts. I just ate three.

Anonymous said...

Well, this is how it is, accd to me:

Office coffee is adequate if it's the only source of life-sustaining nectar available (that is, no money or nowhere close to get java). It'll get you through.

Bought coffee can be really good, but it's bought coffee. Sometimes I feel guilty paying $1 or more for a CUP of joe.

Home coffee is best. Even tho it might be dorky or preppy to carry a thermos around, it works.

Course, I know someone who does french press at work (other than mar-mar)and wouldn't have it any other way.

Now you know.