Thursday, December 15, 2005

Could the weather BE any crappier?

The weather sucks today. It's cold and rainy, and there's still leftover snow and ice everywhere making it even more treacherous. I guess it could be worse -- could be much colder and freezing everywhere. Once again had a lovely egg & cheese for breakfast, but much later than yesterday, since I had to work on a proposal first thing. I had my coat on until 9am, does that tell you anything?

The week is almost over, for which I am grateful. Not that I ever really am, but I'm REALLY NOT in the holiday spirit this year. Being in school is becoming a trial, and I'm just so tired. The conspicuous consumerism of our country is never clearer to me 1) at the holidays and 2) when I go to New York City. I feel the greed trying to suck me under and sometimes I cannot resist. Just say no people! Stop buying shit!

Oh yeah, and Happy Holidays.

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