Saturday, October 20, 2007

Fall is here!

The weather is absolutely beautiful today, so what am I doing? That's right, sitting inside, computing! I just worked on my website ( after a year of procrastinating actually doing anything with it. Got some good advice on an FTP program to use, and so I downloaded it this morning and got to work! It's pretty barebones right now -- I uploaded only the stuff I already had, but I'm going to be working more on it in the weeks to come. I swear.

I just met a super-cute dog! She's a 5 month old German Shepherd Mix named Blue that belongs to a friend of mine. She's so cute! And so soft too. There's a work picnic later today and Blue might be there, so I'll try and convince A to go. It sounds really nice -- hiking, eating, hanging outside, and dogs!! I think Anna will like it there. Morty, not so much.

The dogs in our neighborhood have been running amok this week. For some reason Oz the Weimeraner (sp?) decided he wanted to live at our house on Thursday and refused to leave. He's so sweet it makes me feel bad to be mean to him and yell at him to go away, but he was making Anna and Morty crazy. The same goes for Angel, the pit bull. She's just unbelievably sweet and cute, but Morty kind of wants her dead and although she's really submissive, I don't want to see what happens in the pit bull v. beagle showdown. I'm afraid Morty wouldn't come out of that very well. Plus? Those damn dogs feel free to make themselves at home on our bed! On top of all my clothes. That even our dogs aren't allowed on. I had to actually walk Oz all the way home on Thursday, because he just refused to leave and every time I tried to turn around and ignore him hoping he would go back home, he just came back to follow me. See? How could I be mean to him?

The leaves are starting to change and it's really feeling like fall. Things are beautiful on our new property. I'm looking forward to tromping around in the thinned-out woods with A and the dogs sometime soon. Plus A's mom is coming back to Ohio! Yay! And will hopefully be coming down to visit.

I should run but here are some weird dreams I've been having lately: that I won a Survivor-type reality show called The Last Soprano ("I don't even like the Sopranos!" was my refrain on the show), that I owned a gelato shop in Athens, and another one where I won The Amazing Race by burning a song on a CD the fastest. Why do I keep dreaming I win reality shows? It is because I know I'm a winner?

Gotta go make a covered dish for the picnic later. Bye y'all!

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