Thursday, February 09, 2006

Almost TGIF!

Just a quick check-in to say hello and things are (mostly) going well. It's been an interesting week, full of more-than-usual highs and lows. I've discovered that my Dansko clogs have spoiled me for any other shoe and I'm apparently incapable of wearing anything but them or sneakers! What can I say, my feet are picky. A had to actually bring me my clogs from home since there's no way I could wear these shoes (previously-comfortable Doc Martens for god's sake!) any more.

It's cold but sunny and it's almost Friday! Those things combined work well for me. Had lovely pad thai with tofu for lunch, which caused my mouth to burn for 20 minutes or so, but it was worth it. Class tonight (A&P - snoozeville!), but Veronica Mars was excellent last night and I have 2 massages this weekend and plans to see Capote. I'm easy to please I guess. I also need to get some serious studying in, because we have our big muscle test in 2 weeks and I am in no way prepared. Pulled out my notecards and was struck at how little I remember. Bad Erin!!

Hope yous alls is doing well. Smooches!

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