Monday, August 28, 2006

Nerf is a jerk

So here is Nerf. This is a common stance for her, the one I call "plaintive wailing". She is a stupid stupid cat, that Nerf. Pardon me for saying so (you know I love all cats) but that cat is missing a few million neurons in her tiny little brain. Anyway, so as most of you know, we moved this weekend (more on that later) and Nerf was very very confused by our new house. "Where have you taken me?" she seemed to be saying as she whined ALL.NIGHT.LONG. "Where are we? Where is my hidey-hole? Where am I supposed to flee in this little house?" she whined and whined and whined. At 2am, with both of us awake, we attemped to banish her outside of the bedroom. Of course all she did then was scratch at the door and make an even bigger nuisance of herself, so we gave up. Annoying cat!!

So yes, we moved. It was a minor disaster, what with me getting mad at a flowerpot for being in my way (terracotta conspiracy!) and kicking the thing, injuring my toe and thus rendering me virtually useless for moving large pieces of furniture. Several people swooped in and saved the day, including our neighbor (who seemed delighted to get out of the house and even brought us donuts!), and then my lovely sister and father and brother-in-law. They drove down from Columbus and everything. They RAWK! It was really freakin' hot and humid and disgusting, but you know what they say, the family that sweats buckets, I'm not sure where I was going with that. Anyhoo, most of our stuff is in the new house, save some kitchen crap and all that random stuff you end up with once you pack your belongings. My brother-in-law had a great shirt on that was perfect for moving (I wonder if he wore it purposely or just happened to have it on?). It said "I'm not a pack rat, I'm a collector". How appropos. I've gotten better, but I definitely keep things that I probably have no reason to.

That's about it from here. If we ever get the energy to unpack, ya'll should come over for a barbeque.

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