Friday, January 06, 2006

Bounjourrrrrrrrrrrrr 2006!

So this is my first entry of 2006! How are all of your 2006s going? I have to say, mine did not begin in an auspicious manner, as my slippers and the carpet on our stairs conspired against me at 10am on Jan 1 and I fell down the stairs on my ass. all....the....way.....down. It would have probably been amusing to watch as I bounced down each succeeding step on my ass, while, I believe, I was yelling "I'm faaaaaalllling down the staaaairs!!!!" for, I guess, A's benefit. I scared the shit out of him, but since I landed mostly on my padded buttocks, all was well. I was a little sore the next few days and I currently can't really move my neck (possibly related only to stress and not the fall), but otherwise: no harm, no foul. A has forbidden me to wear my slippers on the stairs anymore, and, like a good wife, I have mostly been complying.

Anyway, the year seems to have really begun now that I am back in school and everyone's back here in Athens. Uptown is teeming with students jaywalking every which-way, making it dangerous to be both a driver and a pedestrian, and the faculty are all back and all of them decided to submit proposals all at one time. It's a stressful time, but I have my Happy Bunny mini sign book to cheer me up (current sign: It's cute how stupid you are) and my new cat calendar - yes, I love cats, so sue me. For some reason, after having received NO calendars last year, got like 7 this year. Where to put them all? Some are freebies -- 2 alone from the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, like aren't you guys supposed to be raising money instead of sending me 2 separate calendars? -- but 3 of them were actual gifts and need to be deployed somewhere. Perhaps I will bring them in and leave them for my coworkers, since our employer has decided they are too cheap to provide the calendars they used to give everyone which very helpfully told us when exams and the end of the quarters were, as well as university holidays and whatnot. .

Other than that, not much going on but the winter doldrums. Getting excited about finally being out of school, and about our clinic every Wednesday night. I'm going to get to work on so many different people! It will be interesting for sure and, let's face it, better than sitting in a lecture. I'm not crazy about the 3-nights-a-week thing, but I keep telling myself: IT'S ONLY 10 WEEKS. Say it with me now.

In other news, I love the new mug I got from Mar-Mar. It says "Childless Whore" and has a picture of a well-dressed young woman, sitting quietly drinking coffee and reading a book! I lurv it. Mar rocks.

Ciao dudes!


Janine said...

Where can I get one of those cups? I love it!
Am looking forward to hearing about the clinic. Are you allowed to say anything on your blog? I assume things like "hairy ass," "bizarro birthmarks," and so on aren't acceptable for a professional like you. But one can dare to dream...
And I have no problem with you loving cats. NONE OF US HAS A CAT PROBLEM, I TELL YOU. MEOW......

mar-mar said...

Janine, you can get one at cafepress. (i was gonna get her the t-shirt but the logo was so small as to be unreadable.) Try this:

Janine said...

Thanks!I will take a look. You might also want to check out this socially responsible business in the Philly area. It's one of my favorite shops...and happens to be the place where I bought one of the many calendars Erin received for Christmas. Best part: they have a wall of bumper stickers criticizing the Bush Administration. Doesn't get much better than that. By the way, Mariya, your blog is awesome!

Dutch said...

Thanks Mar, I looked and looked for the link and couldn't find it on CafePress.